We are a user-centred design and product development consultancy within the SteriPack Group. With 40+ years of experience, we discover, design and develop innovative solutions for our healthcare clients, helping you to transform how you address your users’ needs and supporting you through the journey to manufacture.

Designing a better world

Our purpose and values lie at the heart of all we do. Our team is driven to design a better world – creating impactful change for our clients and the people we design for.Our values underpin everything we do:

We see potential in the challenges we address and in the impact our team can achieve.

We make a difference through the value we add to our clients’ businesses and the impact our results make on peoples’ lives, everyday.

We stand together through our collaborative approach and by designing in empathy with the people we design for.

What we do

We fuse creative, technical and user-centred expertise to build innovative physical and digital products.

Our work helps our clients address new challenges and opportunities, deliver on business outcomes, and create experiences that drive demand.

We’ve grown and developed our integrated range of capabilities and services, allowing us to support projects from concept to manufacture.

Our services

How we work

We’re open, honest, collaborative and straightforward. Our work blends disciplined project management with a culture of flexibility and responsiveness. We adopt a simple consultancy model, transferring all IP to our clients. We strive to maintain a high standard of output and client service and are accredited to ISO9001 and ISO13485.

Who we work with

From multinationals to start-ups, we work with companies and organisations of all scales. We have a particular pedigree in medical and healthcare solutions. 

Our team

Our team is global, with design development bases in the UK and USA, and manufacturing capabiliities in the USA, Poland and Malaysia. Our design, engineering, research, innovation, strategy and manufacturing experts cover a huge breadth of disciplines required to innovate, design, develop and deliver world-leading products and services.

Meet the management team
Chris Caines

Head of IT

Chris Caines

Tony Wood

Head of Continuous Improvement

Tony Wood

James Bertram

Head of Project Management

James Bertram

Ben Arlett

Head of Engineering

Ben Arlett

Venetia Calcott

Head of Human Factors

Venetia Calcott

Michelle Gardiner

Financial Controller

Michelle Gardiner

Natalie Shortt

Natalie Shortt

Luke Attwood

Head of Design

Luke Attwood

Lucy Baldwin

Head of Research and Strategy

Lucy Baldwin

Tim Banks

Head of Digital

Tim Banks

Kerry Briggs

VP of Design and Development

Kerry Briggs

Tamsin Chambers

Head of People

Tamsin Chambers

James Holmes

Head of Electronics and Software

James Holmes

Sunny Panesar

Head of Sales

Sunny Panesar

Sam Reeves

Operations Director

Sam Reeves

Ben Webb

Head of Industrial

Ben Webb

Craig Wightman

Chief Design Officer

Craig Wightman

Our facilities

Our in-house design & development facilities include:

  • Flexible spaces for meetings and workshops
  • Research viewing facility
  • Electronics assembly and test laboratory
  • Prototyping, including 3D printing, CNC machining, vacuum casting, paint finishing, fabrication and assembly
  • Engineering test and development laboratories, including metrology, mechanical test and measurement, environmental testing
  • The inside of a sterile packing factory. A person walks through from one room to the next wearing fully protective clothing and a hairnet. There are packaged products on trolleys.

    Our manufacturing facilities

    For clients who would like end-to-end support in taking their medical device to market, our SteriPack manufacturing facilities in the USA, Poland and Malaysia offer several thousand square metres of customisable manufacturing space, including ISO Class 7 and 8 cleanrooms adhering to ISO 13485 and GMP standards.   


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